Sculpted Angel wings ring with heart shaped rose quartz stone.
I carved this ring with the thought of that clean, pure love that each of us has felt at least once in our life.
Whether for a partner, child, grandparents, family, puppy, cat, whatever you want, there is this part of us that stays pure, even if sometimes it seems like we don't remember where we left it, it exists and surely the world would be a better place if we brought it to the surface more often.
It is the part that makes us Human, and from today I will wear this ring as a reminder that I have this part in me that knows exactly what it has to do, namely to Love.
Toate produsele sunt livrate din Bucuresti, Romania.
In Romania, produsele sunt livrate cu DPD
, pentru Europa si celelalte tari se livreaza cu DHL.
Iata cateva din recomandarile noastre:
- mentineti-va bijuteriile depozitate in cutia originala si evitati plasticul.
- evitati orice contact cu lichide, parfumuri, lotiuni pentru corp sau alte substante chimice
- pentru bijuteriile placate cu aur, evitati curatarea cu carpa deoarece acest lucru va deteriora produsul
- pentru piesele de argint sterlin, puteti utiliza o carpa de curatare pentru a maximiza stralucirea sau puteti utiliza pasta de dinti daca argintul este oxidat